How was your Car Insurance Rate has been Calculated?

How was your Car Insurance Rate has been Calculated?:

Many has big doubt about How we Calculate Rate For Car Insurance? This Blog Post Will Answer for this.....

Your car insurance premiums or policy is determined by your insurance company. The company carefully uses several factors to assist them on this complicate calculation. These contributing factors are such as, age, driving record, location, numbers of policies, and etc.

Your insurance company uses your information and compares it with statistics on similar individuals to determine the probability of you filing an insurance claim. If your profile gives a high number of probabilities that you will file claims, you will probably get higher car insurance premiums as well.

However, different car insurance companies are not the same. Some might base on other factors more than the others. But in general they use the same or similar factors to calculate your insurance policy. Knowing the factors below will prepare you on how to keep your premiums down.

Any Driving Record: Normally, companies check on your driving history. It can go back five years or more. If you have a clean record, meaning no accidents, you will be offered the best car insurance rate.

What is your Age: Age definitely has an effect on your car insurance rate. Most companies offer the cheaper rate to people who are thirty year of age or more.

Marital Status: Believe it or not many companies think marital status is also a factor to determine insurance rate. Providers have documented and tracked statistics on drivers and have been able to prove with high accuracy that marital status is one of the factors to determine whether claims will be made or not. People who are married and under thirty years of age tend to receive cheaper rate.

What is the Location of your car: The location where you keep your car also weighs on the car insurance rate as well. People park their car where they live usually. If you have a garage for your car, you will probably get a better deal on insurance because it can protect your car better from being damaged. However, if you keep your car at a location that is different from what you have on the policy, you should notify your insurance company because you may be qualified to decrease your premium or possible get the best car insurance rates.

What Type of your car: The premium is also calculated using the type of your car as well. A company uses the model, make, and age of a car to compare with the statistics gathered about the specific car. The comparison will help a company determine the premium based on the statistics' information such as how safe the car is, what is repairing cost, and etc.

Normally cars with safety devices can lead to the best car insurance rate. So if your car has many safety devices such as airbags and anti-lock break, it can significantly lower your car insurance coverage

Article Source:Pat_C

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